New Podcast: ‘The Wisdom In Letting Go’

In this episode of the Innocence Redeemed Podcast, I will be talking about the wisdom to be had when letting go of the past as well as the worldly, the dangers of not doing so and the importance of this wisdom as it leads to having discernment to make righteous choices in the end times… Continue reading New Podcast: ‘The Wisdom In Letting Go’

‘Let It Go’

Recently I was thinking on times in the past -not just in the way I have desired to have done things better, but regret about how I have handled situations, sins I committed but also reflecting much on how things used to be and how it seems many have lost their minds as all around… Continue reading ‘Let It Go’

‘The White Horse Rides’

My brother in Florida is a chef and works at a high-end restaurant on the beach.  On the evening of 5/12, he was driving home from work across the causeway that connects the beach to the main land at dusk and snapped the following photos (and these went from his phone to mine and have… Continue reading ‘The White Horse Rides’

New Podcast: ‘Do You See?’

In this episode I will be talking about the many dangers in regards to a deception that is presenting before our very eyes, one in particular that is leading to persecution which we see ramping up.  I will also be sharing a message from the Lord as it pertains to the division among His people. … Continue reading New Podcast: ‘Do You See?’

Be Aware of the ‘Ring’

For years I have been very suspicious of any programs to collect DNA, Bio-Metrics, etc.  At my old claims job, they would push, yearly, the option to lower your health insurance premium for getting a biometric analysis.  I was skeptical of this because, number one, if they want to use this data to lower your… Continue reading Be Aware of the ‘Ring’

All You Need

I have spent a lot of time this week pondering why things have gone quiet.  I have felt many are having so many issues hit them at once and as a result it has allowed the spirit of fatigue to enter in and distract them (in terms of focus).  I have made mention of this… Continue reading All You Need

No, Trump is Not Coming to Save You -Only Jesus!

I haven’t written on idols in a long time and I think it’s time to do that because from what I have observed, it appears that a good portion of Americans still believe that somehow, we are watching some sort of movie and there seems to be a cognitive and spiritual disconnect from reality.  Can… Continue reading No, Trump is Not Coming to Save You -Only Jesus!

What You Do Now Matters Later

Happy Saturday Everyone!    As part of the recent podcasts and writings I have done in regards to having on the proper attire for the wedding feast, and due to recently talking about the separations within the body and the need to keep doing good during these times of adversity, I felt led to write… Continue reading What You Do Now Matters Later

New Podcast Posted: Righteous Solutions for Earthly Situations

In this episode of the Innocence Redeemed Podcast, I will be talking about the fatigue caused by the spirit of confusion, trials and strife.  I talk about the need to endure and keep doing good in times of adversity and uncertainty.

What is Faith? Healing & Unity in the Body

Greetings Brothers and Sisters!  Today I would like to write about something a little more on the positive side.  While it is important to address the problem of sin, I feel it is also important to discuss the area of forgiveness and true redemption in Jesus.    I think that one of the struggles new… Continue reading What is Faith? Healing & Unity in the Body

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