New Podcast: Divination & Idolatry Warning

On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about the grave sin and deception of the spirit of divination and how it relates to being a spirit of witchcraft and deception and how it has taken a large toll on the Body of Christ in this late hour.  I will be… Continue reading New Podcast: Divination & Idolatry Warning

New Podcast: Christians & Halloween

On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I will be talking about how many professing Christians celebrate Halloween under the guise of an innocent approach and how celebrating Halloween is anything but innocent but rather a deception and the reasons why we should not be celebrating it as it pertains to scripture.    … Continue reading New Podcast: Christians & Halloween

New Podcast: Spiritual Blindness vs. The Holy Spirit

Greetings everyone, I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!  As we approach the Christmas Season, and as persecution is cranked up on many and many are perplexed by the behavior of loved ones, the Lord spoke to me to teach about spiritual blindness and how to spot those who are not walking in His… Continue reading New Podcast: Spiritual Blindness vs. The Holy Spirit

New Podcast: Christians & Halloween

On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I will be talking about how many professing Christians celebrate Halloween under the guise of an innocent approach and how celebrating Halloween is anything but innocent but rather a deception and the reasons why we should not be celebrating it as it pertains to scripture.    … Continue reading New Podcast: Christians & Halloween

New Podcast Posted: Misleading Pastors & Prophets

On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I will be talking about pastors, priests, prophets and others who mislead the Lord’s sheep.  I present the consequences of this as well as give an example.  I offer some convicting questions that I encourage fellow believers ask themselves then segue into what I will be talking… Continue reading New Podcast Posted: Misleading Pastors & Prophets

‘Let It Go’

Recently I was thinking on times in the past -not just in the way I have desired to have done things better, but regret about how I have handled situations, sins I committed but also reflecting much on how things used to be and how it seems many have lost their minds as all around… Continue reading ‘Let It Go’

No, Trump is Not Coming to Save You -Only Jesus!

I haven’t written on idols in a long time and I think it’s time to do that because from what I have observed, it appears that a good portion of Americans still believe that somehow, we are watching some sort of movie and there seems to be a cognitive and spiritual disconnect from reality.  Can… Continue reading No, Trump is Not Coming to Save You -Only Jesus!

Why Do You Not Listen?

I was spending time in Revelations and Ezekiel 33 & 34 between last night and very early this morning and the Lord began to speak to me impressing on my heart to warn of more to come.  The Word applies to ALL OF US and He has told me repetitively that He will contend with… Continue reading Why Do You Not Listen?

The World Has Blinded Many

One of the toughest things for me in the wilderness season I was going through for the last few years was realizing that much of what I had come to think was good in the World was not good at all.  Many of these were things that I initially considered harmless, but were anything but… Continue reading The World Has Blinded Many

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