Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they… Continue reading A Rather Persistent & Strong Delusion…
Category: Blog
Why Is There No New Content?
Greetings everyone, So many of you have probably been wondering the last few months why there has been no new content and it’s simple. Myself and this operation are pretty much broke. Until that changes, I said and still stand by it, that there shall be no new content. It takes time to pray… Continue reading Why Is There No New Content?
Prophetic Word Repost: America’s Judgment: The Red Scourge
As we watched the (s)elections unfold, in addition to the 34 states where abortion has been legalized or has limits, SEVEN states had it on the ballot to increase access to abortion. Ladies and Gentleman, abortion is MURDER. Period. Exodus 20:13 plainly states, thou shall not kill (murder). Jesus said, quoting His Words in Matthew… Continue reading Prophetic Word Repost: America’s Judgment: The Red Scourge
New Podcast: A Whirlwind of Prophelies
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about a dream I had concerning a coming whirlwind, which if not understood that certain prophecies are not lies and divination, it will bring about confusion, destruction and panic in that day. What are the dangers for those who prophecy lies to God’s… Continue reading New Podcast: A Whirlwind of Prophelies
New Podcast: Florida’s (and America’s) Judgment Wake Up Call
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be speaking about why the disasters we have seen recently are happening and what God is showing America through these. What is the Lord doing by allowing these no matter how much people pray? Indeed many know that something has changed and in fact, the… Continue reading New Podcast: Florida’s (and America’s) Judgment Wake Up Call
Prophetic Dream: ‘Foundations When The Rains Arrive’
Dream Vision September 23, 2024 – ‘Foundations When The Rains Arrive’ In this dream it seemed to be early morning just before sunrise but there was some light. It may have been afternoon or evening but it was hard to tell because it was pouring down rain and people seemed to be in… Continue reading Prophetic Dream: ‘Foundations When The Rains Arrive’
New Podcast: Stripping Off The Weights Part Two: Abiding & Obedience vs. Rebellion
On this follow-up episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I will be continuing the series ‘Strip off the Weights.’ In this second part I will be contrasting between the Godly and Ungodly, the backslidden and the unbelieving. I will be speaking to the growing apathy and division. I will be bringing about conviction as to… Continue reading New Podcast: Stripping Off The Weights Part Two: Abiding & Obedience vs. Rebellion
New Podcast: Stripping Off The Weights Part One: Overcoming Attacks, Tests & Trials
On this two-part series of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about a dream I had and what the Lord showed me concerning stripping off the weights and running the race. In this first part of the installment, I will be talking about walking through many attacks, tests and trials on the path… Continue reading New Podcast: Stripping Off The Weights Part One: Overcoming Attacks, Tests & Trials
New Podcast: The Leviathan Spirit
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about the spirit of Leviathan. What is it? Where does it come from? What are the characteristics of leviathan spirit? What damage does it cause in your life? How does it get on you? How does it inhibit you from having complete freedom… Continue reading New Podcast: The Leviathan Spirit
New Podcast: Wake Up Call (Last Call For Backsliders & The Lost)
In the last hour (and what is quickly becoming minutes to midnight) the church (which is becoming/has become the world) is appearing more and more to be very much lost in sin and what appears to be very confused. How has this happened and what is the Lord allowing us to see by all the… Continue reading New Podcast: Wake Up Call (Last Call For Backsliders & The Lost)