New Podcast: Attacks Are Intensifying (w/ Glynda Lomax)

Happy Friday everyone!  On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I was a guest on Just Praise Him Radio with Glynda Lomax of Just Praise Him Today.   Does your life seem to be sliding downhill?  Have your finances been depleted at an ever increasing pace?  Are your relationships suffering? Are your spouse or children… Continue reading New Podcast: Attacks Are Intensifying (w/ Glynda Lomax)

New Podcast: Attacks Have Ramped Up

Attacks are on the rise lately by the evil one for many.  What do these attacks look like and how do we best contend with them when they occur?  In this podcast, Glynda and I have collaborated some of what we have been dealing with as well as how we are fighting through.      … Continue reading New Podcast: Attacks Have Ramped Up

New JPH Podcast: How To Give & Give Thanks In Hard Times w/ Special Guest Tom Bixler

Many are going through rough times.  Do we stop to give thanks for the many blessings that we have in our own lives?   How often do we stop to consider the needs of others and how it can be spiritually fulfilling to bless and serve others?  In this season we should be supporting those in… Continue reading New JPH Podcast: How To Give & Give Thanks In Hard Times w/ Special Guest Tom Bixler

New Podcast: Shields Up! Cancellations & Decrees w/ Special Guest Glynda Lomax

The evil one is on the prowl lately, trying to attack by conjuring up confusion, discouragement, persecution, strife and many others.  Many are going through separations among friends and loved ones.  Since the enemy decided to attack a mutual friend of myself and Glynda’s, I felt this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast needed to… Continue reading New Podcast: Shields Up! Cancellations & Decrees w/ Special Guest Glynda Lomax

New Podcast: Differing Viewpoints vs. The WORD

On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed Podcast, I will be talking about subjects causing divisions in marriages and examples elsewhere.  I will also be tying in how these are snares tempting us into sin and that sometimes letting go and giving these problems to the Lord is the best thing to do depending on… Continue reading New Podcast: Differing Viewpoints vs. The WORD

New Podcast: Attacks of Shame & Condemnation

This episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast is a repost of ‘Shame/Condemnation Attacks’ where I was a guest on Just Praise Him Radio with Glynda Lomax of Just Praise Him Today and our mutual brother in Christ, Tom Bixler.  In this episode we discuss how that, recently many of us have been coming under attacks… Continue reading New Podcast: Attacks of Shame & Condemnation

New Podcast: Bringing Light Into Darkness w/ Special Guest Tom Bixler

Greetings Brothers & Sisters, In this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, my good friend and brother in Christ, Tom Bixler will be joining me to talk about a variety of topics as they pertain to leading by example in the dark times we live.  Topics discussed include but are not limited to;   –… Continue reading New Podcast: Bringing Light Into Darkness w/ Special Guest Tom Bixler

New Podcast Posted: Righteous Solutions for Earthly Situations

In this episode of the Innocence Redeemed Podcast, I will be talking about the fatigue caused by the spirit of confusion, trials and strife.  I talk about the need to endure and keep doing good in times of adversity and uncertainty.

War Has Begun -Endure Patiently as Lawlessness Abounds

Good Morning Brothers and Sisters,   Hope you are having a great Sunday.  As I was spending time in 2 Thessalonians 2, chapters 2 and 3 -and, also time in 2 Timothy chapters 2 and 3, I received a message from the Lord.    Anyone who is familiar with these verses understands they speak of… Continue reading War Has Begun -Endure Patiently as Lawlessness Abounds

Division in the Church

Before I begin, I am pleased to announce to you all that I have launched the Innocence Redeemed podcast.  You can find the premier episode on this very topic, ‘Division in the Church,’  here.    I will be adding the various URL feeds for other platforms (Amazon, Apple, Pandora, Podbean, Spotify, Tune-In) shortly as soon… Continue reading Division in the Church

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