On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I will be explaining why knowing your spiritual gift is a very important factor in our walk with Jesus but also when it comes to serving others or going into ministry. I go over the main spiritual gifts and give an explanation of each one. I felt… Continue reading New Podcast: Understanding Spiritual Gifts
Tag: Mercy
New JPH Podcast: How To Give & Give Thanks In Hard Times w/ Special Guest Tom Bixler
Many are going through rough times. Do we stop to give thanks for the many blessings that we have in our own lives? How often do we stop to consider the needs of others and how it can be spiritually fulfilling to bless and serve others? In this season we should be supporting those in… Continue reading New JPH Podcast: How To Give & Give Thanks In Hard Times w/ Special Guest Tom Bixler
New Podcast: Depression, Weariness & Feeling Beat Down (JPH Radio)
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I was a guest on Just Praise Him Radio with Glynda Lomax. The topic is, ‘Depression, Weariness & Feeling Beat Down.’ Lately, more Christians than not have been fighting a hard battle against weariness, depression and feeling beat down. With everything that is going on in… Continue reading New Podcast: Depression, Weariness & Feeling Beat Down (JPH Radio)
New Podcast: The Season of Forbearance & Defeating Worry
Greetings Brothers and Sisters! On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I will be talking about the injustices, lawlessness, and the forbearance we need to have in the face of multiple provocations in our endurance to the end. Verses referenced in this podcast: Matthew 25:4-5 (NKJV) … Continue reading New Podcast: The Season of Forbearance & Defeating Worry
New Podcast: The Significance of Mercy w/ Special Guest Tom Bixler
Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ, On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, my good friend and brother in Christ, Tom Bixler, joins me for a discussion on mercy and how the Lord desires we live out our lives when it comes to our dealings with each other as Christians while we run… Continue reading New Podcast: The Significance of Mercy w/ Special Guest Tom Bixler
Repost: What You Do Now Matters Later
Originally posted on May 1, 2021- What You Do Now Matters Later As part of the recent podcasts and writings I have done in regards to having on the proper attire for the wedding feast, and due to recently talking about the separations within the body and the need to keep doing good… Continue reading Repost: What You Do Now Matters Later
‘An Unconventional Refining’
Good Morning Brothers and Sisters, today I am going to be sharing a message the Lord gave to me in regards to a coming ‘unconventional refinement’ which will be taking place eventually for many who have refused His calling to repentance. I am also going to write about what a refinement looks like,… Continue reading ‘An Unconventional Refining’
‘Remember My Mercy’
My son, My children must remember My mercy for so I had mercy on you, it must be understood that I extend My saving hand for all those who call on Me and I will forgive their sins. My son, the sadness you feel is from Me that I desire My people turn from their… Continue reading ‘Remember My Mercy’
New Podcast: Bringing Light Into Darkness w/ Special Guest Tom Bixler
Greetings Brothers & Sisters, In this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, my good friend and brother in Christ, Tom Bixler will be joining me to talk about a variety of topics as they pertain to leading by example in the dark times we live. Topics discussed include but are not limited to; –… Continue reading New Podcast: Bringing Light Into Darkness w/ Special Guest Tom Bixler
Revelations & The Love of Jesus
Good Morning everyone, trusting your Father’s Day is going well for all you Dad’s out there. I wanted to take a moment to write on a few experiences now in the last several weeks where the Lord’s presence has been quite strong on me. One day I was in prayer about a week ago and… Continue reading Revelations & The Love of Jesus