There are many trials upon My children. If you will pull close to Me I shall pull you through. When you feel these trials upon you be blessed for I am strengthening your faith in Me for the times upon you. Pull close to Me in these times as the enemy will try to use… Continue reading ‘Pull Close To Me’
Tag: Mercy
What You Do Now Matters Later
Happy Saturday Everyone! As part of the recent podcasts and writings I have done in regards to having on the proper attire for the wedding feast, and due to recently talking about the separations within the body and the need to keep doing good during these times of adversity, I felt led to write… Continue reading What You Do Now Matters Later
Why Do They Get Away With It?
This is just a short blog entry on coming to the understanding of the Lord’s mercy on those whom are lost. Yesterday I had a conversation with a dear Brother in Christ about all the negative ordeals He is facing with loved ones and being isolated. Though I always seek to give encouraging words to… Continue reading Why Do They Get Away With It?
My Love For You
As we approach Resurrection Sunday, I felt it was timely to talk about the Lord’s love for us. There are many out there who are distressed at this time and the one thing the Lord’s sacrifice should first suggest to anyone who is having difficulties or feeling down due to it feeling like there isn’t… Continue reading My Love For You
“I Desire The Proper Attire At My Wedding Feast”
Over the weekend, the Lord directed me that He desires I speak of His love for us and all that He has done. With the time being short, due to the lateness of the hour I can understand why this is so important especially as we come up on the resurrection of Jesus. While I… Continue reading “I Desire The Proper Attire At My Wedding Feast”
So Much Division But Little Mercy
People are scared right now and as such they are allowing their fear to consume them to the point that they are reaching their breaking point and taking it out on their fellow citizens. Anyone can go on YouTube and find endless cell-phone video footage of everyday people beating up on and berating those who… Continue reading So Much Division But Little Mercy
Dealing with Anger & Taking Heed Not to Judge Others in Times of Testing
One of the areas I thought I should segue into specifically during the endurance of trials is the tendency to judge others or react in ways that are contrary to what the Word teaches. In times where we are in an inconvenient living situation or we are stressed, faced with what seems to be to… Continue reading Dealing with Anger & Taking Heed Not to Judge Others in Times of Testing
Enduring Through Trials
In the times we are living many are experiencing difficulties in their lives and wondering what is taking place. Many have noticed that something is wrong, but they aren’t sure what or why and what they can do about it. Chances are, if you are reading this, you are looking for answers to the dilemmas… Continue reading Enduring Through Trials
It Will Get Worse. Repent Now.
In my spirit lately, the Lord has been calling on me to write a blog entry on repentance and today that is what I would like to cover here. While I try not to be too preachy, I don’t really know of any other way I can convey that which is happening other than by… Continue reading It Will Get Worse. Repent Now.
Help Those Less Fortunate In Times of Need – February 16, 2021
I have been spending the last few days scanning through several newscasts in various Texas cities. Everywhere from Austin to Dallas, from San Antonio to Waco and before this evening is out, I may even check out a streaming newscast from Oklahoma City. These people are not only freezing in the dark, they are without… Continue reading Help Those Less Fortunate In Times of Need – February 16, 2021