New Podcast: What The Lord Has Shown Us About The Endtimes: Part Two (JPH Radio)

On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I was and will be a guest on JPH Radio with Glynda Lomax on a three-part podcast series, titled, ‘What the Lord has Showed Us About the End Times.’  It’s clear to anyone looking that our world is turned upside down. Everyone can see nothing is normal, though we long for normal to return. Will it?  All of us can see something is terribly, terribly wrong.  Can we fix this? 

What is coming for the people of God in these end times? Will we be caught up in the judgments or will we be spared somehow? Is there any way to be sure of anything any more?  What will happen to the unbelieving?  What does the Lord’s Word say about indifference in the body and criticizing those He has called to warn?  On this episode of Just Praise Him Radio, Ray Bergman of Innocence Redeemed joins Glynda for a discussion of what they have each been shown and told about what is fast approaching and what God’s instructions are to His people.   This is part two and a third episode will follow soon.







Messages I shared on this episode:



Why Do You Not Listen?


An Uncoventional Refining


A Great Deception (Not As It Seems)


War Has Begun -Endure Patiently As Lawlessness Abounds


The Slanted Roadway Dream



Messages Glynda shared on this episode:


Beautiful Illusion


Note: The Conveyor Belt Vision Glynda spoke of is not linked in this blog post because it was not posted to the JPH blog.  This was a vision Glynda had written down in a journal circa 1999/2000 and this was before JPH existed as a blog/website.  


A New Communist America



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