No, Trump is Not Coming to Save You -Only Jesus!

I haven’t written on idols in a long time and I think it’s time to do that because from what I have observed, it appears that a good portion of Americans still believe that somehow, we are watching some sort of movie and there seems to be a cognitive and spiritual disconnect from reality.  Can… Continue reading No, Trump is Not Coming to Save You -Only Jesus!

Klaus Schwab Declares Unvaccinated People To Be A Threat To Humanity

I always believe in shining light on evil and when I saw this rather than emailing it out to everyone I decided I had to share it with you all.  Of course, their plans have been available for years with regard to what the globalists are planning to do, as they have published their own… Continue reading Klaus Schwab Declares Unvaccinated People To Be A Threat To Humanity

The Spirit of Lawlessness Is Upon Many

This is just a short mention of some of the lawlessness we are seeing.  Many are seeing the disturbing images coming out of Texas concerning the migrant crisis as it pertains to the children involved.  What people need to understand is that there is much more to this that is not being recognized.  We have… Continue reading The Spirit of Lawlessness Is Upon Many

Persecution & Non-Essentials in the Coming Beast System

Each morning I spend time on my patio sipping my coffee and spending time in the Word, reflecting on the world around us and where the Lord can use me to bring others to understanding in where things are in the timeline of the Holy Word.  As a faithful servant of our Lord Jesus, I… Continue reading Persecution & Non-Essentials in the Coming Beast System

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