New Podcast: Will You Stand Strong For Jesus Under Persecution?

On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about how truth is being re-defined and how it is up to us to stand strong for truth in both everyday decisions situations and standing firm in truth when it comes to our walk with Jesus.   An unrighteous precedent is being set in the mainstream. If we don’t stand up for what is truth now, will we take a stand in our faith when persecution comes for us?  It is a time to get off the fence and be bold, choosing this day who you will serve.  I cover some mainstream news topics in order to segue into the main message in this podcast.  I pray this episode is a blessing to you.  Please remember I am supported by you as the listener.  Your feedback and gifts of support are appreciated!  Please remember to follow me on Brighteon here.






YouTube Now Considering Bible and Biblical Sermons As ‘Hate Speech’


Spotify Makes New Rules On Misinformation -But Will It Be Enough?


Finnish Government Puts Christianity On Trial -Calls The Bible ‘Hate Speech’


New Database Catalogs Employees Seeking Religious Exemptions


Facistbook Testing User Prompts Leading People To Turn In Their Friends Who Are Posting ‘Harmful Content’ Such As Bible Verses


Video: Will Christian Persecution Continue To Escalate?


  1. I had the following dream some months ago.
    In the dream it was the end times and I was in a dungeon. I was being held captive by the Chinese. I knew I was going to be killed. This solider said to me, we’re going to kill you. I said I don’t care, I know where I’m going. I could not see Jesus, but I knew he was right behind me the whole time.

    The dream was like a vision within a dream. I saw them take the sword and literally cut me in half. I thought man this hurts yet I was at peace. I saw them cut me in half. The right side of my brain fell to the right. Then the left side of my brain went to the left.

    I am not sure if this dream is literal, or if it’s symbolic in meaning I will stand so bold for Jesus no matter what happens in the future, even if I am Martyred for my faith.

    This dream really got my attention and it woke me from a deep sleep the morning I had it.

    1. Wow. That is similar to some dreams I have had where I surely thought death was imminent. One I had a gun in my face and I closed my eyes and the guy was gone when I opened them. The other I had, there was an 18-wheeler barreling down on me and I thought for sure I was dead, but I never felt the impact. I was alive and next thing I remember was running through a field with my hands up, looking up and I was free. Both of these are under my dreams if anyone would like to read them. Then there was the slanted roadway dream which was more recent where I felt I was caught even though the car sped off a cliff. I truly do believe the Lord can protect us from what’s coming when we are abiding in Him and our walk with Him is close which He is desiring all of His children He is calling would do. Everything else doesn’t matter when we put Him first and stand bold for Him. Thank you for sharing your dream John! Jesus Bless you! Keep standing strong in the faith and fighting the good fight!

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