A Great Deception?

Some of you may remember that in a recent podcast I did on JPH, where I mentioned that I had not experienced any dreams for a while. Last year, I was having one per month and then it was every few months.  At the most,  I had some that were a few weeks apart in… Continue reading A Great Deception?

Why Do You Not Listen?

I was spending time in Revelations and Ezekiel 33 & 34 between last night and very early this morning and the Lord began to speak to me impressing on my heart to warn of more to come.  The Word applies to ALL OF US and He has told me repetitively that He will contend with… Continue reading Why Do You Not Listen?

It Will Get Worse. Repent Now.

In my spirit lately, the Lord has been calling on me to write a blog entry on repentance and today that is what I would like to cover here.  While I try not to be too preachy, I don’t really know of any other way I can convey that which is happening other than by… Continue reading It Will Get Worse. Repent Now.

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