‘Thou shalt have no other gods before me’

No doubt by now many of you have heard of the incident in Houston, Texas concerning this ‘Astro World’ event where eight people lost their lives and hundreds were injured.  Those who died were injected with Fentanyl.  Folks, I wasn’t making it up when I told you in the recent  Halloween podcast that each day… Continue reading ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before me’

New Podcast Posted: Misleading Pastors & Prophets

On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I will be talking about pastors, priests, prophets and others who mislead the Lord’s sheep.  I present the consequences of this as well as give an example.  I offer some convicting questions that I encourage fellow believers ask themselves then segue into what I will be talking… Continue reading New Podcast Posted: Misleading Pastors & Prophets

‘Pull Close To Me’

There are many trials upon My children.  If you will pull close to Me I shall pull you through.  When you feel these trials upon you be blessed for I am strengthening your faith in Me for the times upon you.  Pull close to Me in these times as the enemy will try to use… Continue reading ‘Pull Close To Me’

No, Trump is Not Coming to Save You -Only Jesus!

I haven’t written on idols in a long time and I think it’s time to do that because from what I have observed, it appears that a good portion of Americans still believe that somehow, we are watching some sort of movie and there seems to be a cognitive and spiritual disconnect from reality.  Can… Continue reading No, Trump is Not Coming to Save You -Only Jesus!

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