New Podcast: God’s Promises Pt. 5 – Promises of Faith, Peace & Love

On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about the Lord’s Promises of Faith, how we exercise it where the Word is concerned, how the Lord refines that faith and how we learn how we put it into practice.  What will you do in lack?  What will you do when you are sick or hurt?  I will also be talking about the Lord’s promises of Peace and how we can stay at peace in the time upon us.  I will also cover the Lord’s love and how it applies when we abide in Him and He in us and how we walk in His love.  This will be part five in the series titled God’s promises.  I felt it was timely to release this as a reminder of encouragement after recent disturbing revelations.  I hope it is a Blessing to you.




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