New Podcast: Are You Really Walking In His Ways?

On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about a recent revelation the Lord gave to me with concern for those who believe that after being saved they can continue on sinning.  I realize this episode is longer but I’m covering a lot of ground.  I will be covering the consequences of rejecting the Lord’s truth and continuing to walk after our own prideful desires rather than leaning into His will and where this ultimately leads in comparison as to where we are now.  I will also be covering some different sins that the Lord wants us to be aware of, working to repent from, and how covering the different ways of what abiding in Him truly looks like.  I was initially planning part five of the promise series, which is in the works but I was directed to put out a call to the backslidden this week.  It is my prayer that this podcast is a Blessing to you in leading you to what the Lord desires all of us have right in our lives.  Have a great weekend and week everyone.





1 comment

  1. Heard a prophet say on her podcast say .Mr. Trump will be killed. He will not become a president again. God told her. Master voice prophecy blog. She only obeys God,been that way since she was born. Listens to no news ,media, just God only. She is a lawyer.

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