New Podcast Posted: The Judgment Of Nations Pt. 3 w/ Glynda Lomax & Prophet John

On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I am guesting on Just Praise Him Radio with Glynda Lomax for the concluding episode to the judgment series.  Note this is part 3 of 3.  On this episode, Glynda and I will be discussing the four horsemen of Revelation 6 as well as the seals.  We will talk mainly about persecution, but also war, famine and the importance of bible study.  In the latter half of the show our mutual friend/Brother In Christ, Prophet John, will be joining us for several words given to him by the Lord for listeners as well as the body itself.  We hope you enjoy this conclusion to the Judgment Series and pray it is a blessing to you.





Please note I cannot give out prophet John’s email address. If you are seeking a prophetic Word, please ask the Lord in prayer.  Once John is established with a blog we will make that information known at that time.  Thank you for understanding.


  1. Thank you so very much, to you, Glynda, and prophet John, for ALL the hard work (time, effort, and energy) in putting this together – great ending to the series too! Looking forward to hearing more from Prophet John, in upcoming episodes (as the Lord and Holy Spirit lead). God always, and richly bless each of you – I pray abundant blessings of His daily provisions, in every area of your lives.

  2. Many thanks for this podcast. It’s been very helpful in understanding the attacks. I’m even attacked when I try to listen to your podcasts but I don’t quit. We’re all soldiers for Christ. His hands, feet and mouth. Praise God 🙏🏼🙏🏼

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